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LDS Porn Addiction Presents Unique Problems

According to, over 40 million Americans visit porn sites on a regular basis. Those are people of all walks of life. Membership in a church and/or having been brought up in a religious household do not provide immunity to a person from developing an addiction to pornography. That means that LDS porn addiction is just as likely as anywhere else in the country. It could even be that the connection to the Mormon church creates an environment that fuels the addiction. The perception of upholding high moral standards and the shame that is associated with porn and addiction to porn often serves to facilitate the addiction in a “forbidden fruits” way. Unfortunately, the shame element also makes it difficult for someone suffering from that specific addiction to seek help.

Often, addiction to pornography is treated similarly to other addictions. Breaking the cycle through pinpointing “danger” times when a person is more likely to seek out various forms of pornography is constructive. However, as with other addictions, an addiction to pornography is often the result of a deeper seeded problem, such as self-confidence issues, anxiety, depression or childhood trauma. Treating porn addiction is most effective when the underlying cause or causes are addressed in addition to breaking the cycle.

LDS porn addiction affects more than the person with the addiction. The Deseret News points out the importance of caring for the spouses and families, too. It is understandable that spouses feel a sense of betrayal when the addiction is revealed, and that feeling can be amplified if the secret is found out by accident rather than confessed. The acts committed seem even more a matter of being unfaithful because of the secrecy. As difficult as it can be on both sides, honesty is often the best thing if there is to be a chance of a marriage surviving addiction to pornography.

Counseling by a professional who understands your faith and values enhances the treatment experience when you seek help for addiction. Jody VanDrimmelen specializes in counseling people of faith and offers effective, caring therapy for LDS porn addiction patients. Jody knows where you are coming from and understands the dynamics of your LDS family and background. With that common ground in place, all of your therapy can be focused on finding the root causes of your addiction and treating the issue as a whole in an effective way that incorporates the values and beliefs you are familiar with. Call Jody VanDrimmelen today at 972-426-9500 to make the first appointment on your road to freedom from pornography addiction.

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