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Understanding Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma, while often discussed in the context of childhood trauma and attachment theory, can profoundly affect adults in intimate relationships, particularly when trust is broken by a significant other. Partner Betrayal Trauma refers to the emotional and psychological effects experienced when a romantic partner violates the trust foundational to the relationship. This kind of betrayal can take many forms—infidelity, emotional abuse, manipulation, or financial misuse—and can have far-reaching consequences for the victim. Impact of Partner Betrayal Trauma: Impact on Long Term Relationships Consider a scenario where a person has been happily married for 20 years, sharing a home, children, Read more
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Grief Counseling: The Benefits from Discussing Your Grief

Grief is a natural response to loss, and everyone experiences it in their own way and time. It can come from a wide range of life events, from losing a loved one to significant life changes. Seeking grief counseling can be crucial in processing these emotions and finding a path to healing. By discussing your grief, you give yourself permission to feel and process the pain that accompanies loss. Online Grief counseling, offers a safe space where you can openly share your feelings, no matter how complex they may seem. When you speak with a counselor or trusted individual, you Read more
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is diagnosed when excessive worry and anxiety persist for at least six months and interfere with daily functioning. It is characterized by a variety of physical, emotional, and cognitive symptoms, which may vary in intensity. If you experience persistent anxiety that disrupts your life, seeking professional help can make a significant difference. Online anxiety counseling can guide you through the process of recognizing your symptoms and provide you with effective treatment options. Through therapy, you can learn coping mechanisms and tools to manage your anxiety, helping you regain control over your life. Understanding that you’re not Read more
0 745

From the Anxiety Counselor: 5 Ways to Manage Your Panic Attacks

You might think that because panic attacks often begin suddenly and without warning, there is no way to manage them. However, an anxiety counselor in Utah, can help you recognize the signs that a panic attack is coming on, which can be half the battle in stopping it or minimizing its length or severity. For some, the early signs of a panic attack might include profuse sweating, hot flashes, nausea, dizziness, or stomach pain. Recognizing these unique symptoms can help you prepare for the attack and take proactive steps to manage it. So what can you do when a panic Read more
0 903

Teen Counseling Tips: How to Communicate With Your Teen

It is no secret that communication is not a strong suit of most teens.  Oftentimes, these are the years when your child will begin to withhold information about their lives or shut you out entirely.  Learning to effectively communicate with your child is a skill that needs to be honed whether they are a toddler or a teen.  Teen counseling in Utah may be the answer you are looking for. Here are some teen counseling tips that will help you communicate with your teen in those crucial years: If you are still struggling, teen counseling in Utah can help you Read more
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Understanding GAD with Anxiety Counseling

GAD, or generalized anxiety disorder, is not something that you have to face alone.  Anxiety counseling in Arlington, Texas can help you understand your symptoms and find treatment for the battles you are fighting.  The first step is recognizing your anxiety symptoms.  These can include: -Persistent worry that is unproportional to the impact of concerned events -Overthinking, especially regarding plans and solutions -Hyper focus on worst case scenarios -Difficulty handling uncertainty  -Fear of making the wrong decision that leads to indecisiveness -Feelings of restlessness or fatigue -Difficulty concentrating -Muscle tension or muscle aches (Source: Mayo Clinic) “GAD is diagnosed when Read more
0 1079

Grief Counseling: The Benefits from Discussing Your Grief

Grief can come in all shapes and forms and stem from a variety of different occurrences in life. From traumatic grief to absent grief and everything in between, understanding your grief feelings and seeking out help for your emotions is always the recommended course of action.  Everyone in this world will have to deal with feelings of grief at one point or another in their lifetime.  Being equipped with the right tools with help from grief counseling in Arlington Texas will only make the process smoother.   Grieving is a process that requires us to acknowledge that something in life has Read more
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From the Marriage Counselor: How to Get on the Same Page About Money

One of the leading causes of disagreements between couples arises due to finances. How money is budgeted and spent within a marriage.  High levels of debt and miscommunications about financial decisions can lead to a general discord in marriage.  Getting on the same page about how you will plan and make financial decisions can help avoid the contention that can arise.  A marriage counselor in Arlington Texas (who is also good in prenups in Ontario) can help you do this together as a couple. Here are a few tips to help you and your spouse make solid, unified financial decisions: Read more
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From the Teen Counselor: Battling Cyber Addiction

If you have ever watched a baby develop over time, you’ve probably noticed that infancy is an incredible time for growth.  They seem to develop a new skill or habit nearly everyday.  Their world is exploding and they are exploding right along with it.  Second only to that time of infancy is the teen years, in terms of growth.  Finding a teen counselor in Arlington Texas who can help you navigate this growth is crucial. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, a human brain continues to develop and mature until the mid to late 20s. This is when Read more
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From the Depression Counselor: The Dangers of Obsessing with Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a double edged sword.  Sometimes it is talked about as a quality to be admired; the highest standard that we should strive for.  But perfectionism and the pressure for perfection is driving a rise in mental illness, specifically in anxiety and depression.  The pressure for perfection is everywhere around us. Social media, our jobs, our families. It can be overwhelming and debilitating when realizing that perfection is not possible.  Simply put, no one is perfect and the constant drive for perfection will always end in discouragement. Everytime you are knocked down, instead of beating yourself up and instantly Read more