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Tag : LDS Child Counselor Dallas TX

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LDS Family Counselor: All About Toxic People

Most of us have heard the term, “toxic,” used to describe someone who is difficult to deal with; and as an LDS family counselor, I’ve heard the term used quite often.  But what makes a person toxic?  And how do you deal with having a toxic person in your life? What Makes A Person Toxic? While there is generally no hard and fast list of characteristics of a toxic personality, mostly because there is no such thing as a diagnosis of “toxic personality disorder,” there are some telltale signs of toxicity that can help you identify a problematic person.  These Read more
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LDS Marriage Counselor: Is Your Marriage Boring?

There are a number of reasons you might seek the help of an LDS marriage counselor, not all of which are catastrophic.  In addition to adultery and addiction, you should also get help with issues that are wearing down, not just blowing up, your marriage.  Negativity, bickering and secret-keeping are unhealthy and can, over time, cause a rift that can be difficult to heal; but there’s one insidious marital issue that is seldom addressed and that is boredom.   What Makes A Marriage Boring Every couple eventually comes to the painful realization that the passion they felt for each other Read more