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Category : Teen Counseling Plano TX

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Recognizing Body Dysmorphic Disorder With Teen Counseling

If your teen is suffering from body dysmorphic disorder it may be time to pursue teen counseling. As a parent, you need to look for warning signs in order to determine if your teen is dealing with this mental disorder. Things like preoccupation with appearance, refusing to appear in pictures, avoiding mirrors and wearing excessive makeup or clothing to camouflage a perceived flaw are all symptoms of body dysmorphia. Its important to remember that there is help out there for your teen. At Insight Child & Family counseling, we see children and teens for a variety of reasons, including body Read more
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Teen Counseling: Tips for Getting Teens to Accept Counseling

Teen Counseling: Tips for Getting Teens to Accept Counseling The teenage and adolescent years are full of demanding requirements and emotional moments. Sometimes, it can be difficult for your teen to differentiate between everyday stressors and a deeper issue. It can be difficult to get your teen onboard with the idea of counseling. However, Insight Child & Family Counseling, your place for teen counseling, has tips to start this conversation between you and your teen. Get the Conversation Started Teenagers have a way of feeling misunderstood. When deciding your teen could benefit from counseling services, it can be tough to Read more
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Teen Counseling: Recognize The Warning Signs of Bullying

Many teens who suffer from bullying could benefit from teen counseling. Bullying is a prevalent and serious problem in today’s schools. 1 in 5 teens reports they have been bullied and bully victims are between 2 and 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims. At Insight Child & Family Counseling we use a variety of techniques in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere that will allow your teen to open up about their bullying situation. Get the facts about bullying and get your teen the resources they need by contacting a teen counselor today.  Call Insight Child & Family Read more
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Teen Counseling: The Effects Of Low Self-Esteem

When it comes to teen counseling, I have encountered children and teenagers who suffer from depression and anxiety for a variety of different reasons; but one of the most common reasons for young people to develop mood or behavior problems is low self-esteem.  As just about every adult knows, the teenage years are often more difficult to navigate than almost any other time in life.   Bodily changes, many of which aren’t particularly attractive, and emotional changes, brought on by supercharged hormonal surges, leave children unsure of themselves and deathly afraid of how they are perceived by others, especially their Read more
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Understanding Teenage Rebellion With Teen Counseling

In teen counseling, I have worked with many parents and children who simply could not understand each other.  If men and women have a hard time relating to each other because one sex is from Mars while another is from Venus, it can often feel for a frustrated parent that teenagers are from another galaxy altogether.  The teenage years are years of rebellion or, more accurately, a time of detaching from their parents.   If you find yourself arguing with your teen because your relationship has changed or you’re suspicious of his new friends and the time he spends with them, Read more
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Teen Counseling: Signs Of Depression In Teenagers

Teen counseling can reveal some harsh truths about adolescence, especially that children and teens have most of the same mental, emotional and psychological problems that adults have.  Unfortunately, with teens, these problems are often dismissed as being side effects of raging hormones; and while hormones do play a role in shaping how we think and feel, that doesn’t negate the fact that the psychological problems teens with raging hormones have are very real and need to be addressed.   Often dismissed as childish “moodiness,” depression is one of the most common psychological problems that afflict teenagers.  For most teens, the effects Read more