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Tag : teen counselor arlington texas

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Teen Counseling Tips: How to Communicate With Your Teen

It is no secret that communication is not a strong suit of most teens.  Oftentimes, these are the years when your child will begin to withhold information about their lives or shut you out entirely.  Learning to effectively communicate with your child is a skill that needs to be honed whether they are a toddler or a teen.  Teen counseling in Arlington Texas may be the answer you are looking for. Here are some teen counseling tips that will help you communicate with your teen in those crucial years: Listen.  It may sound simple, but your teen needs you to Read more
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From the Anxiety Counselor: 3 Ways to Manage Your Panic Attacks

You might think that because panic attacks often begin suddenly, and without warning, that there is no way to manage them.  An anxiety counselor in Arlington Texas can help you  recognize when a panic attack is coming on. This can be half the battle of stopping one in its tracks or at least minimizing the length or severity of one. Some people will start to sweat profusely just before a panic attack comes along.  Others get hot flashes or bouts of nausea.  Some other symptoms can be dizziness or stomach pain.    Regardless of how your panic attack manifests its Read more
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Understanding GAD with Anxiety Counseling

GAD, or generalized anxiety disorder, is not something that you have to face alone.  Anxiety counseling in Arlington, Texas can help you understand your symptoms and find treatment for the battles you are fighting.  The first step is recognizing your anxiety symptoms.  These can include: -Persistent worry that is unproportional to the impact of concerned events -Overthinking, especially regarding plans and solutions -Hyper focus on worst case scenarios -Difficulty handling uncertainty  -Fear of making the wrong decision that leads to indecisiveness -Feelings of restlessness or fatigue -Difficulty concentrating -Muscle tension or muscle aches (Source: Mayo Clinic) “GAD is diagnosed when Read more