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Category : Anxiety Counselor Arlington TX

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From the Anxiety Counselor: 3 Ways to Manage Your Panic Attacks

You might think that because panic attacks often begin suddenly, and without warning, that there is no way to manage them.  An anxiety counselor in Arlington Texas can help you  recognize when a panic attack is coming on. This can be half the battle of stopping one in its tracks or at least minimizing the length or severity of one. Some people will start to sweat profusely just before a panic attack comes along.  Others get hot flashes or bouts of nausea.  Some other symptoms can be dizziness or stomach pain.    Regardless of how your panic attack manifests its Read more
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Anxiety Counselor: 7 Anxiety Facts You Need To Know

If you suffer from the symptoms of anxiety but you haven’t sought the help of an anxiety counselor because you don’t know enough about anxiety disorders or you’re afraid of the stigma that often surrounds getting treatment for mental issues, it’s important that you find out as much as you can so that you can get the help you need.  Here are some anxiety facts you need to know: 1 – Anxiety Is A Real Illness Everyone has anxiety from time to time; but anxiety that impairs your daily life is a very real condition that requires therapeutic intervention.  Like other Read more
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Anxiety Counselor: What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Almost everyone experiences anxiety from time to time; but as an experienced anxiety counselor, I know that there is a difference between the kind of transitory anxiety people feel when they’re facing some type of stress like a job interview or a first date and the kind that makes everyday life difficult.  If you suspect you or someone you love has a serious anxiety problem, you should know more about anxiety disorders so that you can decide whether or not to seek the help of an anxiety counselor. The Symptoms Of A Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety becomes a problem when Read more