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Category : LDS Child Counselor McKinney TX

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LDS Child Counselor: Bullying And Your Child

As an LDS child counselor I’ve worked with many young patients who have been the victims of bullying, especially in a school setting, and I know the impact it can have on a child and on others around him.  In fact bullying today has become almost an epidemic with one in five students in an average classroom experiencing some type of bullying.  That means that if you are the parent of a child in public school, then you’ve probably heard about an instance of bullying related to you by your child or you’ve had to deal with your child being bullied, Read more
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LDS Child Counselor: Helping Children Like Themselves

As one of the top LDS child counselors we know that one of the most important opinions a child has is his view of himself. Children with high self-esteem view the world with optimism, confidence, and an expectation of success. Children with low self-esteem are apt to distrust their own ideas and abilities and be very tentative in life situations. Every child needs to feel lovable and capable. To the degree that these feelings are present, self-esteem is enhanced; to the degree they are lacking, self-esteem is threatened. One  way to help your child to help them experience individual success.  Read more