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Category : LDS Child Therapist Arlington TX

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Five Tips to Reduce Back to School Stress

School supplies; new teachers, new clothes; new haircut; new braces; new friends; new class room; new schedule; sometimes even new school!  Roll all these things together and you have the perfect storm for back to school stress for your child.  But there are ways you can help ease the stressful feeling this transition causes. To shift from a stressed-out mindset to a more positive one, adopt these five science-backed tools that will help you start the school year stress-free and full of excitement. Tool Number One: Reminisce on Last Year’s Memories If you think back on past transitions to school, Read more
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The Right LDS Child Therapist Is the One Who Fits Your Child

There are many things you need to consider when choosing an LDS child therapist to help your child. You don’t want to just choose the first child therapist that you come across. Children are particularly sensitive when it comes to therapy, and you don’t want to invite someone into their lives to talk to them and counsel them when you’re not sure that they will be a good fit. While adults tend to have the capacity to shrug off a bad relationship with a therapist and move on to choose a new one, that kind of resilience can be difficult for Read more