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LDS Marriage Counselor: Signs You May Need Help

If you are married and you feel that something isn’t right about your relationship, you should consider an LDS marriage counselor.  Why is an LDS marriage counselor so important?  Because an LDS counselor can help you to figure out the reason your relationship is in trouble and can help you find the answers to make your marriage work again.  For most couples, counseling can help them to get past many of the problems that might lead them to consider separation or divorce.  You should seek the help of a marriage counselor if you notice these warning signs:

1 – You Only Communicate When It’s Absolutely Necessary

Remember when you were first married and you couldn’t wait to see your spouse and go over the day’s events with him or her?  That communication was vital to the health of your marriage then and it is now; but many couples let anger, resentment or small annoyances keep them from talking the way they once did.  Couples who don’t communicate or communicate as little as possible will never be able to resolve any differences they have.  An LDS marriage counselor can help a couple to understand the importance of keeping lines of communication open and how to avoid saying hurtful things that are detrimental to the relationship.   

2 – You Or Your Spouse Have Been Unfaithful

Infidelity can quickly end a marriage.  But for couples who still profess love for each other, a good counselor can help them to forgive each other and to move forward.  Though getting past an affair is difficult, honesty and confronting problems that may have led to the infidelity can sometimes help couples to save their marriage.

3 – You’ve Lost Intimacy In Your Marriage

Intimacy means more than just sex; it also means hugging, holding and kissing.  All of these are vital to giving couples the sense of oneness that separates marriages from other types of relationships.  For couples who’ve lost intimacy for whatever reason, counseling can help to open up the lines of communication so that they can find out why it happened and what they can do to resolve their problems.

4 – You Don’t Know How To Resolve Your Differences

If you’re aware of specific problems in your marriage but you don’t know how to fix them, a good counselor can help.  In fact, if you’ve already identified what’s wrong, getting to a solution will happen much faster, especially if one or both of you are prepared to take responsibility for your part in creating or exacerbating the problem.

Marriages don’t have to end in divorce.  A good LDS marriage counselor can give you the tools that will help you get past problems in your marriage that can seem insurmountable.  Get help today by calling Insight Child & Family Counseling at (972) 426-9500 or by visiting

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