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Category : Depression Counselor Arlington TX

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From the Depression Counselor: The Dangers of Obsessing with Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a double edged sword.  Sometimes it is talked about as a quality to be admired; the highest standard that we should strive for.  But perfectionism and the pressure for perfection is driving a rise in mental illness, specifically in anxiety and depression.  The pressure for perfection is everywhere around us. Social media, our jobs, our families. It can be overwhelming and debilitating when realizing that perfection is not possible.  Simply put, no one is perfect and the constant drive for perfection will always end in discouragement. Everytime you are knocked down, instead of beating yourself up and instantly Read more
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From The Depression Counselor: How To Deal With Holiday Depression

For some, the holidays are a trigger for depression and anxiety. Sometimes, it is due to the loss of a family member or maybe the stress of running around all over the place, visiting family and friends. However, the holidays should be a happy time for you, and there are ways to deal with holiday depression. At Insight Child & Family Counseling, the depression counselor is in and is ready to help you with these struggles. Let’s discuss how to deal with holiday depression and what to look out for during this winter season. Make A Plan While you are Read more
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Depression Counselor: Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression and its symptoms are coming to light more and more as the conversation with depression widens. The most important thing to remember is that postpartum depression is not a sign of weakness or something that will just go away. Knowing what symptoms to look for can also help you recognize when you need to reach out for professional help from a licensed counselor. Here are a few indicators that you or someone you love might be suffering from postpartum depression. 1. You feel hopeless, like the situation will never get better. You feel like a failure as a Read more
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4 Things Not To Say: Tips From A Depression Counselor

If someone you love suffers from depression, it may be difficult to know what to say to them; as a depression counselor, my patients often tell me that many people in their lives simply don’t understand what they’re going through.  This lack of knowledge about depression can sometimes lead to awkwardness or inappropriate comments.  The right thing to say to someone who is depressed is that you love and support them; unfortunately, there are way too many wrong things to say.  Here are some comments you should avoid when talking to a person who suffers from depression: “But You’re On Read more
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Depression Counselor: Better New Year’s Resolutions

The New Year is coming and as a depression counselor, I can tell you that many of my patients who are battling chronic depression have a hard time celebrating a new year as a time of resolutions, starting over and celebration.  Instead, they dwell on the past year and any wasted opportunities, failed relationships, deaths in the family and more that they feel will only continue into a new year.   Because I have worked as a depression counselor for many years, I know that people who suffer with depression can’t just “get over it” and feel happy about the beginning Read more
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Depression Counselor: 5 Depression Questions Answered

As a depression counselor, I have treated many patients whose depression symptoms ranged from mild to severe and debilitating.  For those patients, and for those who love them, dealing with the symptoms of depression is an ongoing struggle; and, because the human brain is still one of the great unknowns of biology and psychology, part of the struggle of living with depression is not being able to get the answers they need about their condition.  If you are living with some type of depression, here are few answers to some of the questions you may have: 1 – Is Depression Read more
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Depression Counselor: All About Depression

As a depression counselor, I can tell you that depression isn’t normal.  Mood changes and occasional sadness happen to everyone but depression is an often-disabling medical condition that must be addressed.  If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, there are some important things you need to know about this highly-treatable condition. Common Symptoms Of Depression The symptoms of depression vary from patient to patient and they can include both mental and physical problems like:   ▸ Feeling down, blue, hopeless, sad or irritable   ▸ Finding no enjoyment in once-pleasurable activities   ▸ Feeling worthless and having negative, hopeless thoughts Read more