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Tag : depression counseling arlington tx

0 1564

From the Depression Counselor: The Dangers of Obsessing with Perfectionism

Perfectionism is a double edged sword.  Sometimes it is talked about as a quality to be admired; the highest standard that we should strive for.  But perfectionism and the pressure for perfection is driving a rise in mental illness, specifically in anxiety and depression.  The pressure for perfection is everywhere around us. Social media, our jobs, our families. It can be overwhelming and debilitating when realizing that perfection is not possible.  Simply put, no one is perfect and the constant drive for perfection will always end in discouragement. Everytime you are knocked down, instead of beating yourself up and instantly Read more
0 1447

Anxiety Counselor: The Signs of Anxiety

The signs of anxiety can be broken down into 3 different categories.  Thinking/Learning, Behavioral and Physical. It is important to note that people who suffer from anxiety might not have all or any of these symptoms and having just one of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean someone is dealing with anxiety.   Thinking Learning -Problems concentrating-Memory problems-Attention problems-Problem solving difficulties-Worry-Memory problems Behavioral -Restlessness-Fidgeting-Task avoidance-Rapid speech-Irritability-Perfectionism-Lack of participation-Failure to complete tasks Physical -Stomach Discomfort-Rapid heart rate-Perspiration-Muscle tension-Headaches-Sleeping problems-Nausea In the pursuit of relief from the multifaceted effects of anxiety, some individuals have explored alternatives like cbd vape oil products. While there Read more
0 1463

Anxiety Counseling: Avoidance Behaviors

The World Health Organization recognizes anxiety disorders as the most common mental disorder worldwide, citing that 1 in 13 suffer from anxiety of some kind.  Children with anxiety are much more likely than their peers to see seemingly small situations as ones that induce fear or anxiety; such as giving an oral report or presentation, not being picked for a sports team or receiving a poor grade on a project.  When faced with these situations, they may demonstrate certain avoidance behaviors. It is important as parents and teachers to be on the lookout for these behaviors. Actions you might notice Read more
0 1254

How Anxiety Counseling Can Help Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are quite common, especially in this day and time. Those who are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder by a physician are often offered medication for their illness yet are not educated on the good that anxiety counseling can do for them. Counseling offers many tools to help those with anxiety cope with their emotions and the overwhelm that comes with the illness. Insight Child & Family Counseling offers many counseling services for anxiety disorders. More Ways to Cope Anxiety counseling can help those with anxiety disorders learn new and crucial ways to cope with their anxiety. Despite the Read more
0 1558

How To Support Loved Ones In Anxiety Counseling

Whether you realize it or not, you probably have multiple people in your life who suffer from anxiety in one form or another. When it is someone you love, such a a family member or close friend, it can be hard to know how to act or how best to support them. The most important thing to remember is that they are still the same person, separate from their anxiety. However, there are some things you can do as their support system to help them manage their anxiety. 1. Let them know they can talk to you openly and honestly Read more
0 1335

The Case for Anxiety Counseling: What’s the Big Deal?

Millions of Americans suffer from depression and anxiety every day. With numbers so high, it is crucial to understand what treatment options are available. If you suffer from depression or anxiety, anxiety counseling may work for you as a treatment option, more so than other methods of treatment. Does it work? Can anxiety counseling truly benefit your condition? What is the big deal? Let’s discuss the benefits of anxiety counseling and how it can help affect those dealing with anxiety. Counseling Gives You A Voice Anxiety counseling gives you a voice when you feel as if you are alone. Your Read more
0 1331

From The Depression Counselor: How To Deal With Holiday Depression

For some, the holidays are a trigger for depression and anxiety. Sometimes, it is due to the loss of a family member or maybe the stress of running around all over the place, visiting family and friends. However, the holidays should be a happy time for you, and there are ways to deal with holiday depression. At Insight Child & Family Counseling, the depression counselor is in and is ready to help you with these struggles. Let’s discuss how to deal with holiday depression and what to look out for during this winter season. Make A Plan While you are Read more
0 1386

Depression Counselor: Symptoms Of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum Depression and its symptoms are coming to light more and more as the conversation with depression widens. The most important thing to remember is that postpartum depression is not a sign of weakness or something that will just go away. Knowing what symptoms to look for can also help you recognize when you need to reach out for professional help from a licensed counselor. Here are a few indicators that you or someone you love might be suffering from postpartum depression. 1. You feel hopeless, like the situation will never get better. You feel like a failure as a Read more
0 1524

Recognizing Self Esteem Issues In Your Teen And When To Get A Counselor Involved

The teenage years are some of the most difficult to manage in your entire life. Physical and emotional changes are rampant and it can be hard to keep up. You need to be able to recognize low self esteem in your teen as it can be an indicator of other issues such as anxiety or depression laying beneath the surface. Be on the lookout for these things with your teens and if you notice them, give a teen counselor a call today. 1. Avoiding Interaction With Others 2. Stops Making The Effort at Home and School 3. Exhibits Consistently Negative Read more
0 1524

How to Choose the Best Teen Counselor

Do you have a teen that is suffering from depression or anxiety? Perhaps your family physician has mentioned counseling to help your teen cope. Although you may feel a bit overwhelmed with the options available, there are plenty of counseling services and professionals to choose from. How do you choose the best teen counselor that fits the needs of your teen? Here are some tips on choosing a counselor that your teen will trust and learn from. Does the Counselor Specialize in Your Teen’s Needs? The counselor you ultimately choose should specialize in the needs of your teen. There are Read more