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Tag : child counselor plano tx

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Depression Counseling: The Consequences Of Depression

If you suffer from depression and you haven’t sought depression counseling, you should know that even severe forms of depression can be treated.  Some of the reasons that people don’t seek the help of a professional counselor are that they don’t realize they have a mental health problem, they don’t know that it’s treatable and/or they’re afraid of the stigma that’s often attached to a diagnosis of a mental health disorder like depression.  Why should you seek depression counseling?  Because left untreated, depression can lead to a host of serious consequences that include:   Suicide – This is, of course, Read more
0 1363

Help From A Depression Counselor Is Available Today

The stress of the holiday season can lead to a search for a depression counselor. If you or someone you love is dealing with issues that seem hopeless and in the midst of what seems to be such a happy time of year, it may be the right time to call in some reinforcements in dealing with the underlying problems. Many people have found that being able to openly discuss their worries, the journey they have been on and their fears for the future can allow them to more clearly see the obstacles and the opportunities in front of them. Read more
0 1414

6 Things To Know From A Counselor About Social Anxiety

As an anxiety counselor, I know that one of the more common types of anxiety – social anxiety – is a very real disorder that goes beyond descriptors like “shy” and “introverted.”  People who have social anxiety have a variety of manifestations of their disorder that usually includes a paralyzing fear of being around and talking to strangers – usually in social situations – and a frustrating feeling of isolation and hopelessness when they’re alone.  If you or someone you know suffers from social anxiety, here are 6 things you need to know: 1 – Social Anxiety Is Common According Read more
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Anxiety Counseling: Don’t Let The Holidays Steal Your Peace

A great place to find anxiety counseling is at Insight Child & Family Counseling. We can help you find the tools to make it through this stressful time of year that for many brings extra stressor points like family get togethers, office parties and more. Find tools for dealing with these and other daily issues by calling for an appointment at 972-426-9500 today. We’ll help you learn to function well in the midst of the stresses that life throws your way and enjoy the day to day living. Visit us online at to learn more and for access to Read more
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Understanding Teenage Rebellion With Teen Counseling

In teen counseling, I have worked with many parents and children who simply could not understand each other.  If men and women have a hard time relating to each other because one sex is from Mars while another is from Venus, it can often feel for a frustrated parent that teenagers are from another galaxy altogether.  The teenage years are years of rebellion or, more accurately, a time of detaching from their parents.   If you find yourself arguing with your teen because your relationship has changed or you’re suspicious of his new friends and the time he spends with them, Read more
0 1422

Help From A Teen Counselor Is Available Today

Needing to find a teen counselor for help with your teen? If so, calling Insight Child & Family Counseling is the best move you can make. We have helped our clients with a range of conflicts and issues including divorce, bullying, eating disorders, depression and much more. Call our office at 972-426-9500 today to schedule your appointment or visit us online at to learn more about the ways we can help you and your teen. Our lives are meant to be shared and we all need to have the tools necessary to listen well and be heard. We can Read more
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Teen Counselor: Keep The Doors of Communication Open

Are you needing help with your communication or a teen counselor to help you find the right way to communicate? If so, there is help. It is available from Insight Child & Family Counseling today at 972-426-9500. We have helped our clients and their families find the right ways to begin a healthy line of communication and be able to value the words and feelings of others. Many times even when you don’t understand the why, once you learn to listen well, you can make your home a place of freedom to be who you are and your children who Read more
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Teen Counseling: Signs Of Depression In Teenagers

Teen counseling can reveal some harsh truths about adolescence, especially that children and teens have most of the same mental, emotional and psychological problems that adults have.  Unfortunately, with teens, these problems are often dismissed as being side effects of raging hormones; and while hormones do play a role in shaping how we think and feel, that doesn’t negate the fact that the psychological problems teens with raging hormones have are very real and need to be addressed.   Often dismissed as childish “moodiness,” depression is one of the most common psychological problems that afflict teenagers.  For most teens, the effects Read more
0 1593

Help For Your Family Is Close at Hand With Child Counseling

Are you considering child counseling? If so, the place you need call is Insight Child & Family Counseling. We have helped our clients and their children deal with all types of situations and issues from bullying, separation and divorce, depression to eating disorders and simply those that just need a place to be heard so they can figure out their next step. Call us today at 972-426-9500 to schedule your appointment or you can learn more about how we can help at We want to help you and your children thrive together and will give you the place and Read more
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Anxiety Counseling: Don’t Live Life With Frayed Edges

If you struggle with anxiety or depression, anxiety counseling might be the right choice for you. Because of the crazy pace of our lives these days many times we don’t have enough time to really process and plan for the things that truly matter. That’s where getting help from a great counselor like Insight Child and Family Counseling might just be the thing you need that will make a big difference. Call us today at 972-426-9500 to set up your appointment. Get help in learning how to live with less anxiety. Live a life full of possibility and less worry. Read more