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Tag : child counselor plano tx

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Depression Counseling: Recognize The Signs

Many of us think we know all about depression counseling, but do we really? There are millions of people walking around in the world suffering from various degrees of depression, but not getting help for it. Oftentimes, we think the depression we or our loved ones suffer from just isn’t that serious or we don’t recognize the signs until it is too late. Get help for dealing with your battles whether big or small by calling Insight Child and Family Counseling at 972-426-9500. You don’t have to go it alone. Recognize the symptoms of depression and then find a great Read more
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Teen Counselor: Does Your Teen Have Mental Health Issues?

As parents, we’re not always sure why our adolescent children are angry or sad one minute and happy or laughing the next; but as a teen counselor, I know that adolescence is a confusing and emotionally-disruptive time for kids who don’t always understand themselves and why they’re feeling the emotions they’re feeling.  Even when they do understand, they often don’t know how to express it to their parents.   The problem with the teenage years is that the emotional rollercoaster that most children are on during that time can sometimes disguise or mimic the symptoms of serious mental issues that Read more
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Depression Counselor: Depression And Insomnia

If you have been diagnosed with depression and you’re undergoing therapy with a depression counselor, there’s a good chance that you’re dealing with a number of symptoms of depression.  One of the most debilitating of those symptoms is insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep; although it can be hard to determine if insomnia is a symptom of depression or if depression is a symptom of insomnia.  Regardless of which came first, if you are having a hard time falling asleep or you wake repeatedly during the night, your insomnia must be addressed to improve your overall Read more
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Anxiety Counselor: Tips For Managing Anxiety

These are stressful times we live in; and as an anxiety counselor, I’ve seen how difficult it is for some people to deal with stress, pressure and hardships in their private lives and in their dealings with the world at large.  These people often develop forms of chronic anxiety that can be debilitating.  The truth is that most, if not all, people feel some level of anxiety at some point (or at multiple points) in their lives.  Part of the human condition is dealing with fear and anxiety about the knowns and the unknowns in life.  If you find yourself Read more