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Tag : lds child counselor plano tx

0 1493

Make 2017 The Beginning of the End With An Experienced Anxiety Counselor

An anxiety counselor can help you make 2017 the beginning of the end of living life under the threat of anxiety. Start by making one call to Insight Child & Family Counseling at 972-426-9500. We want to help you find a new lease on your life and a way to deal with those issues that sometimes seem overwhelming. Call our office today to schedule your appointment or visit us online at to learn more about how an experienced anxiety counselor can help and all the different services we offer. Give yourself the gift of a new outlook and the Read more
0 2060

Child Counselor: Help Improve Your Child’s Behavior

Just about every child counselor has heard a parent say, at one time or another, “I wish my child had come with an instruction manual.” The reason for this is that learning how to parent is essentially on-the-job and it can be difficult to know what is right and what is wrong for a particular child.  Of course, the easiest way to find out if you’ve done and said the “right” things in rearing your children is to wait and see what kinds of adults they turn into.  If you don’t want to wait that long and you want to ensure Read more
0 1886

Teen Counselor: Keep The Doors of Communication Open

Are you needing help with your communication or a teen counselor to help you find the right way to communicate? If so, there is help. It is available from Insight Child & Family Counseling today at 972-426-9500. We have helped our clients and their families find the right ways to begin a healthy line of communication and be able to value the words and feelings of others. Many times even when you don’t understand the why, once you learn to listen well, you can make your home a place of freedom to be who you are and your children who Read more
0 1721

Teen Counseling: Signs Of Depression In Teenagers

Teen counseling can reveal some harsh truths about adolescence, especially that children and teens have most of the same mental, emotional and psychological problems that adults have.  Unfortunately, with teens, these problems are often dismissed as being side effects of raging hormones; and while hormones do play a role in shaping how we think and feel, that doesn’t negate the fact that the psychological problems teens with raging hormones have are very real and need to be addressed.   Often dismissed as childish “moodiness,” depression is one of the most common psychological problems that afflict teenagers.  For most teens, the effects Read more
0 1398

Peace in Daily Life is Possible With Anxiety Counseling

Finding a great place to receive anxiety counseling is as easy as calling Insight Child & Family Counseling at 972-426-9500. We help our clients find the joy and peace that they might be missing through worry and anxiety in all its forms. Whether that is panic attacks, the desire to be alone and undisturbed, or any number of other ways anxiety can steal your life, we can help. Don’t try to figure it out on your own or think that it will simply go away. There is help available in a safe and warm environment that will allow you to Read more
0 1224

Anxiety Counselor: The Anxiety Of Holiday Traveling

Anxiety can strike anyone at anytime for a number of rational or seemingly irrational reasons; and as an anxiety counselor, I know there are many people who suffer with anxiety on an almost-daily basis and there are also many people for whom bouts of anxiety are only linked to a specific activity or situation.  Traveling is one of those activities that can trigger anxiety in people who fear it or dread it; and with the holidays fast approaching, those people will face the choice of finding a way to deal with their anxiety or staying home to avoid it.  If Read more
0 1723

Depression Counseling: Help That Brings Hope To Your Life

Considering depression counseling is a great start to helping you find the hope you may have lost in your day to day living. At Insight Child and Family Counseling, we have helped our clients find the way to manage the day to day struggles in a way that still allows hope to flourish. Call us today at 972-426-9500 to schedule your appointment or visit us online at to find out how we can help you. Don’t deal with this depression on your own. Get help from someone who cares and can help you find the life you have left Read more
0 1539

Depression Counselor: Caregivers And Depression

As a depression counselor, I know that there are many reasons a person may experience either long-term or short-term depression.  There may be a family history of depression and/or traumatic experiences that can trigger depression; but there is one cause for depression that is often overlooked when it comes to seeking help and that is the depression and anxiety that can happen to the caregivers of the chronically ill.   Caregivers Suffer, Too If you are caring for a sick family member or other loved one, the demands on you physically and emotionally can take a toll on you over Read more
0 1579

Help For Your Family Is Close at Hand With Child Counseling

Are you considering child counseling? If so, the place you need call is Insight Child & Family Counseling. We have helped our clients and their children deal with all types of situations and issues from bullying, separation and divorce, depression to eating disorders and simply those that just need a place to be heard so they can figure out their next step. Call us today at 972-426-9500 to schedule your appointment or you can learn more about how we can help at We want to help you and your children thrive together and will give you the place and Read more
0 1457

Child Counselor: Coping With Your Child’s Anxiety

As a child counselor, I know that children are as susceptible to stress and the pressures of everyday life as adults; and that means that they often exhibit the symptoms of anxiety that you might normally associate with adults reacting to stressful situations, like headaches, stomach upset and insomnia.  If your child is showing signs of having trouble dealing with school, friends or with something else that may be happening in his life, you should know that while anxiety in children isn’t unusual, it shouldn’t be ignored.  You should seek the help of an experienced child counselor if it makes life Read more