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Tag : LDS Counselor McKinney TX

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LDS Marriage Counselor: Give Your Marriage A Shot

Understanding how an LDS marriage counselor in can help your marriage is easy! We come alongside you and help you learn to deal with the issues you struggle with. Whether it is money problems, not hearing or being heard, work issues and so much more. We want to help you find your road to happily ever after. It takes work, it doesn’t come easy, but we give you tools and tips to implement to help you each understand, love and walk through life together. Don’t suffer in your marriage any longer. Get help from Insight Child & Family Counseling today. Read more
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LDS Child Counselor: Bullying And Your Child

As an LDS child counselor I’ve worked with many young patients who have been the victims of bullying, especially in a school setting, and I know the impact it can have on a child and on others around him.  In fact bullying today has become almost an epidemic with one in five students in an average classroom experiencing some type of bullying.  That means that if you are the parent of a child in public school, then you’ve probably heard about an instance of bullying related to you by your child or you’ve had to deal with your child being bullied, Read more
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LDS Family Counselor: Children Coping With Death

As an LDS family counselor, I know that dealing with the death of a loved one is difficult for everyone; but grief is especially difficult for children to come to grips with.  Because death is everywhere in movies, TV and video games, children aren’t unfamiliar with the concept but experiencing it firsthand can be confusing.  If you are a parent whose child is faced with the death of someone they love, your job isn’t to try to keep him from feeling sad or grieving, it’s to encourage him to express his feelings and to help him develop coping skills that Read more
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LDS Marriage Counselor: 4 Marriage Facts To Remember

An LDS marriage counselor can help you with a number of marriage-related issues that can quickly derail your relationship.  An LDS marriage counselor can also help you to remember some important facts that are true for every marriage and that will help you to avoid some problems and to understand that many problems are transitory. 1 – Every Couple Has Problems No matter how perfect and happy some couples that you know may seem to be, they have problems in their marriage that don’t necessarily show in public.  Problems in a relationship don’t have to be devastating, like abuse or addiction, but Read more
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LDS Child Counselor: Helping Children Like Themselves

As one of the top LDS child counselors we know that one of the most important opinions a child has is his view of himself. Children with high self-esteem view the world with optimism, confidence, and an expectation of success. Children with low self-esteem are apt to distrust their own ideas and abilities and be very tentative in life situations. Every child needs to feel lovable and capable. To the degree that these feelings are present, self-esteem is enhanced; to the degree they are lacking, self-esteem is threatened. One  way to help your child to help them experience individual success.  Read more