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Tag : teen counselor arlington tx

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Teen Counseling: What To Do When Your Teen Hates You

I have many years of experience in teen counseling and have spoken to many teens who not only have difficulty understanding and handling their own emotions but who also have a difficult time dealing with their parents during their turbulent adolescent years.  I’ve also spoken to many parents who feel they can no longer communicate with children with whom they once had a close, loving bond.  As children grow up and enter puberty, it is fairly common for them to clash with their parents or even to describe their feelings for their parents as hate.  If your child has disconnected from Read more
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Child Counselor: Substance Abuse And Your Teen

Substance abuse is rampant in the United States and as a child counselor, I have worked with a number of young people who abuse or are addicted to alcohol or drugs, while most of them need immediate help for cocaine addiction.  Though children and teens don’t have the problem of substance abuse costing them their jobs or marriages, they are at risk for serious legal problems, health problems, cognitive problems, ruined relationships and even death. People can also hop over  to overcome drug addiction . Why Children Abuse Drugs And Alcohol Children and adolescents often abuse drugs and alcohol for Read more