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Author : vandfam

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0 1551

Anxiety Counselor: What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Almost everyone experiences anxiety from time to time; but as an experienced anxiety counselor, I know that there is a difference between the kind of transitory anxiety people feel when they’re facing some type of stress like a job interview or a first date and the kind that makes everyday life difficult.  If you suspect you or someone you love has a serious anxiety problem, you should know more about anxiety disorders so that you can decide whether or not to seek the help of an anxiety counselor. The Symptoms Of A Generalized Anxiety Disorder Anxiety becomes a problem when Read more
0 1599

Depression Counselor: All About Depression

As a depression counselor, I can tell you that depression isn’t normal.  Mood changes and occasional sadness happen to everyone but depression is an often-disabling medical condition that must be addressed.  If you or someone you love is suffering from depression, there are some important things you need to know about this highly-treatable condition. Common Symptoms Of Depression The symptoms of depression vary from patient to patient and they can include both mental and physical problems like:   ▸ Feeling down, blue, hopeless, sad or irritable   ▸ Finding no enjoyment in once-pleasurable activities   ▸ Feeling worthless and having negative, hopeless thoughts Read more
0 1801

Child Counselor: How Obesity Affects Children

As a child counselor, I know that childhood, especially adolescence, can bring with it a host of pressures that adults may find difficult to understand.  From pressure to perform well in school to pressure from often unstable home lives, children can find it hard to cope with everyday life.  With the problem of childhood obesity reaching almost epidemic proportions, children who are overweight face yet another kind of pressure and that is the pressure to conform to accepted body norms.   How Obesity Is Defined In Adults And Children To determine whether or not a child is overweight or obese, Read more
0 1499

LDS Marriage Counselor: Marriage After Baby

The birth of a child is a time for celebration; but for some North Texas couples, a visit from the stork can mean a visit to an LDS marriage counselor.  Even for parents who’ve longed for children for years, the reality of actually having them can be shocking because the reality is that everything changes after a baby is born.  As an LDS marriage counselor, I’ve counseled many couples who vowed that nothing in their lives would change when they had children and then their lives – and marriages – were turned upside down.  If you’re struggling to balance the Read more
0 1710

LDS Family Counselor: All About Toxic People

Most of us have heard the term, “toxic,” used to describe someone who is difficult to deal with; and as an LDS family counselor, I’ve heard the term used quite often.  But what makes a person toxic?  And how do you deal with having a toxic person in your life? What Makes A Person Toxic? While there is generally no hard and fast list of characteristics of a toxic personality, mostly because there is no such thing as a diagnosis of “toxic personality disorder,” there are some telltale signs of toxicity that can help you identify a problematic person.  These Read more
0 1619

LDS Marriage Counselor: Bring Intimacy Back

Anyone who’s been married for more than a few years knows how hard it is to retain intimacy in a marriage; and as an LDS marriage counselor, I can tell you that intimacy is what makes a marriage a marriage and not just a friendship.  While many people think that intimacy means sex, it is actually much more.  Intimacy in a relationship can mean having a conversation, holding hands and spending time alone together.  If you are married and you feel that the close connection you had with your partner is slipping away and that your lives have become more Read more
0 1345

LDS Marriage Counselor: Is Your Marriage Boring?

There are a number of reasons you might seek the help of an LDS marriage counselor, not all of which are catastrophic.  In addition to adultery and addiction, you should also get help with issues that are wearing down, not just blowing up, your marriage.  Negativity, bickering and secret-keeping are unhealthy and can, over time, cause a rift that can be difficult to heal; but there’s one insidious marital issue that is seldom addressed and that is boredom.   What Makes A Marriage Boring Every couple eventually comes to the painful realization that the passion they felt for each other Read more
0 1520

LDS Family Counselor: Your Child And Anxiety

As an LDS family counselor (who are always being suggested by the NJ DWI defense attorneys), I know that parenting and the child-parent relationship can be difficult at times.  There are any number of reasons every day for parents to worry about their children and, often, when there is a real problem, children don’t confide in their parents first, or at all in some cases.  But as a parent, you may not have to be told that your child is having a problem to know that one exists.   Your Child’s Anxiety Have you noticed that your child has gotten Read more
0 1667

LDS Counselor: Definition of “Dysfunctional Family”

Working as an LDS counselor, I’ve heard patients use the term, “dysfunctional family,” many times to describe either their adult home life or their childhood home life.  Often they use the term jokingly or justify the behavior or personality they’re describing by saying that every family is somehow dysfunctional.  While every family operates in its own unique way, not every family is dysfunctional.  True family dysfunction damages every individual in a family and creates shockwaves of psychological and emotional turmoil that can last for generations. What The Term “Dysfunctional Family” Really Means A dysfunctional family is a family in which Read more
0 1826

LDS Marriage Counselor: Trust After Infidelity

Marriage isn’t easy and as an LDS marriage counselor, I’ve worked with many couples who were dealing with one or more of the problems that can come with marriage, including one of the most difficult issues for any couple to deal with – infidelity.  If you or your spouse has been unfaithful, you may be able to salvage your marriage with the help of an LDS marriage counselor like me; but that doesn’t mean that the person who was cheated on won’t have continuing trust issues.  Because marriage is based on physical, psychological and emotional trust, you or your spouse must Read more