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Tag : lds counselor plano tx

0 1272

Anxiety Counseling: What To Expect And How To Cope

If you suffer from anxiety, you may have heard that you would benefit from an anxiety counselor. However, you may be worried that an anxiety counselor may not be able to help. Or , you may have questions regarding what an anxiety counselor does and what to expect. Whatever your current situation, anxiety counseling is a great way to overcome your anxiety and get a helping hand along the way. Keep reading to discover how anxiety counseling can help with your anxiety as well as what to expect throughout your counseling experience. Anxiety Counseling: How It Helps There are many Read more
0 1412

Anxiety Counseling Tips: Relieve Your Stress With Exercise

Did you know that exercising could help you reduce your stress dramatically? For those that deal with anxiety, exercise done here can be a great reducer. The physical benefits of exercise have long been proven but there are also some great mental benefits including reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration and enhancing your overall cognitive function. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, over 40 million adults suffer from some type of anxiety disorder. Psychologist who have studied anxiety disorders have found that a 10 minute walk can do just as much for your mental health as a Read more
0 1288

4 Myths and Facts About Depression Counseling

There are many different opinions when it comes to depression counseling and therapy. Unfortunately, counseling tends to be a hush hush topic of conversation and not hastily talked about due to the myths surrounding it. Depression counseling is a tool that can be used and should be used to prevent and combat depression. Due to the opinions out there, counseling can sometimes have a bad reputation. It is important to understand the myths surrounding depression and then the actual facts in order to fight this reputation. Depression counseling can truly help those in need of the service. It is time Read more
0 1567

Depression Counseling: What To Do When Parents are Depressed

Most everyone has heard the phrase, “When momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy”. As silly as the phrase might seem, you have probably experienced this very same thing in your family. The honest truth is that children can sense when their parents are not operating at 100%. And that is okay. Parents are not robots and immune to bouts of depression or anxiety. However, it is important that as parents you make sure your children understand what is going on and how they can help. 1) Make sure your children understand that they are not the “cause” of the depression. Read more
0 1682

Teen Counseling Corner: Understanding The Why Of Self Harm

The facts are that 1 in 5 females, and 1 in 7 males engage in self harm. Those statistics are staggering. Leaving depression untreated or other mental health challenges can lead teens to feel powerless in their challenges. Left unchecked and without healthy coping mechanisms, teens can turn to cutting and other self harm. Here are a few things you may not have heard about self harm: 1. Many of those who self injure report learning how to do so from friends or using some additional hints from their parents or pro self injury websites. 2. People self injure to Read more
0 1337

Teen Counseling in the Summer

Summertime is an important time for your teen. From sleepovers with friends to family vacations, the summertime is full of fun. However, if you have a teen that is dealing with anxiety or depression, you may find yourself searching for teen counseling, even in the summer. It is important that your teen receives the counseling he or she needs throughout this time. All of the activity during the summer months can add more stress and anxiety to your teen’s regular routine. Here are ways to keep your teen active in counseling this summer. Make Teen Counseling a Priority Although there Read more
0 1418

Summer Anxiety Solutions from an Anxiety Counselor

The summer is full of fun times, beaches, sun and sand. However, the summer can also be a time where anxiety truly kicks in. For those who suffer with anxiety, the summertime can be just another few months in the year. At a time where family gatherings and friendly vacations are at an all time high, your anxiety doesn’t have to be. Here are some summer anxiety solutions to kick your anxiety to the curb, straight from an anxiety counselor in Plano, TX. Solutions from an Anxiety Counselor: Get Outdoors During the summer, the sky is super blue and the Read more
0 1415

School Refusal: When Its Time To See An Anxiety Counselor

With the school year right around the corner you need to be prepared as parents for the chance that your child may refuse to go to school. While it can be easy to dismiss this as simply a ploy to stay home in their pajamas all day and watch cartoons, some children suffer from anxiety when it comes to school. Oftentimes this stems from fear of something happing to their parents while they are away, bullies they face or simply not having adjusted to a new school or grade level. As parents navigate the challenges of helping their children adjust Read more
0 1611

Child Counselor: Tips For Summertime With Your Children

As a child counselor, I know the importance of keeping your child mentally healthy during the summertime. Its true that summer is the long awaited break for your children from the rigors and stresses of school. Downtime is a must. However, as with everything in life, there needs to be a good balance of scheduled and unscheduled time in their summer break. Here are a few ideas that you can intersperse into your summer routine to break up the monotony of tv and video games (use these services here to get the new released video games easily) without inciting riots Read more
0 1446

Recognizing Social Anxiety And When to Seek Out A Counselor

For those that have been described as “shy” or “timid” there may be more to the situation than that. Social Anxiety is a very real disorder that causes people to have paralyzing fear of being around or talking to strangers. Oftentimes this can lead to feelings of loneliness or frustration. Social Anxiety sufferers don’t WANT to be alone, but their anxiety forces them into a world of seclusion. As an experienced anxiety counselor, Insight Child & Family Counseling can help you recognize your social anxiety and give you practical, real world tips on managing it. Our treatment approach is to Read more