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Tag : lds marriage counselor plano tx

0 1386

Summer Anxiety Solutions from an Anxiety Counselor

The summer is full of fun times, beaches, sun and sand. However, the summer can also be a time where anxiety truly kicks in. For those who suffer with anxiety, the summertime can be just another few months in the year. At a time where family gatherings and friendly vacations are at an all time high, your anxiety doesn’t have to be. Here are some summer anxiety solutions to kick your anxiety to the curb, straight from an anxiety counselor in Plano, TX. Solutions from an Anxiety Counselor: Get Outdoors During the summer, the sky is super blue and the Read more
0 1379

School Refusal: When Its Time To See An Anxiety Counselor

With the school year right around the corner you need to be prepared as parents for the chance that your child may refuse to go to school. While it can be easy to dismiss this as simply a ploy to stay home in their pajamas all day and watch cartoons, some children suffer from anxiety when it comes to school. Oftentimes this stems from fear of something happing to their parents while they are away, bullies they face or simply not having adjusted to a new school or grade level. As parents navigate the challenges of helping their children adjust Read more
0 1573

Child Counselor: Tips For Summertime With Your Children

As a child counselor, I know the importance of keeping your child mentally healthy during the summertime. Its true that summer is the long awaited break for your children from the rigors and stresses of school. Downtime is a must. However, as with everything in life, there needs to be a good balance of scheduled and unscheduled time in their summer break. Here are a few ideas that you can intersperse into your summer routine to break up the monotony of tv and video games (use these services here to get the new released video games easily) without inciting riots Read more
0 1423

Recognizing Social Anxiety And When to Seek Out A Counselor

For those that have been described as “shy” or “timid” there may be more to the situation than that. Social Anxiety is a very real disorder that causes people to have paralyzing fear of being around or talking to strangers. Oftentimes this can lead to feelings of loneliness or frustration. Social Anxiety sufferers don’t WANT to be alone, but their anxiety forces them into a world of seclusion. As an experienced anxiety counselor, Insight Child & Family Counseling can help you recognize your social anxiety and give you practical, real world tips on managing it. Our treatment approach is to Read more
0 1468

When to Choose an Anxiety Counselor: 5 Signs of an Anxiety Disorder

Are you struggling with feelings you don’t understand? Maybe your loved ones have told you that you have changed or you seem depressed or anxious. Do you have moments of intense fear, hopelessness or erratic feelings? You may be dealing with anxiety. Some symptoms of anxiety can come and go, and other can hide in plain view. If you are wondering if an anxiety counselor is right for you, you should understand your symptoms. When are your symptoms a sign of anxiety? Here are five signs of an anxiety disorder. #1. Severe Worry This doesn’t mean natural worry that happens Read more
0 1266

Learn To Recognize When Anxiety Can Become Panic With Anxiety Counseling

Anxiety attacks can turn to panic attacks in a split second. Counseling can help give you the tools to recognize the symptoms of anxiety and stop it before it becomes a full blow panic attack. The symptoms of panic attacks can include chest pain, dizziness, heart palpitations and shortness of breath. If you feel these things happening or coming on, your best steps are to help yourself through your physical symptoms and not focus on the anxiety that is causing them. Get to a quiet, safe place. Inhale and hold your breath for 5 to 7 seconds and exhale slowly. Read more
0 1360

Anxiety Hacks: Combat Your Anxiety Daily with These Tips

Anxiety doesn’t care what is convenient for you; it can strike at any time; often creeping in when you least expect it. If you are faced with anxiety, don’t worry – there are things you can do today to help combat your anxiety. If you are currently in counseling, using these tools will help you prepare further for your sessions by clearing your mind and keeping your spirits light. Use these tools and tips daily to help ease your anxiety and win the battle. Sometimes, it takes daily fighting to win the war. Use your inner warrior! Lose the Electronics Read more
0 1351

Navigate Your Way Back With Depression Counseling

Depression Counseling may be just what you need to find your happy self again. Depression can range from mild to severe and until you know what you are dealing with, there is no road to recovery. Working with a trained counselor can give you peace of mind that you have someone on your side, fighting the battle with you. For more info on warning signs to depression or to reach out for help for yourself or a loved one, visit us online at or give us a call at 972-426-9500.  Don’t resign yourself to fighting this battle alone.  Call Read more
0 1305

Depression Counseling: Working Through A Cancer Diagnosis

For people who are diagnosed with cancer, there is a progression of emotions that starts with fear and panic and that almost always ends with a temporary or permanent sadness and depression.  In depression counseling, I have worked with patients who have dealt with, or are dealing with, the effects of a cancer diagnosis and I know that even those people who normally have an upbeat, positive outlook on life can have an understandably-negative reaction to the words, “You have cancer.” Cancer Changes Everything A cancer diagnosis may not result in the death of the person who is diagnosed, but Read more
0 1752

Teen Counseling: Recognize The Warning Signs of Bullying

Many teens who suffer from bullying could benefit from teen counseling. Bullying is a prevalent and serious problem in today’s schools. 1 in 5 teens reports they have been bullied and bully victims are between 2 and 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims. At Insight Child & Family Counseling we use a variety of techniques in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere that will allow your teen to open up about their bullying situation. Get the facts about bullying and get your teen the resources they need by contacting a teen counselor today.  Call Insight Child & Family Read more